I am a Ph.D. student in the College of Civil Engineering at Hunan University, supervised by Prof. Chao Zhang. I joined Zhang’s UNSAT Lab in 2019 as a 3rd-year undergraduate student, and completed my B.S. degree in 2020. I am fortunate to continue my research here, and to collaborate closely with Prof. Ning Lu from Colorado School of Mines.
My passion lies in understanding various fascinating phase equilibrium and phase transition processes in porous media, particularly in soils, and elucidating their implications on poromechanics. I integrate cutting-edge insights from surface and interfacial science, multiscale experimental techniques, and molecular dynamics simulations to explore molecular-level mechanisms governing vapor sorption and capillary condensation, pore water freezing and melting, as well as pore salt deliquescence and efflorescence processes, and upscale their influences to develop poromechanics models.
Please find my publication list here, or through ResearchGate, ORCID, or Google Scholar. If you are interested in my research, discussions are welcome via sjhu@hnu.edu.cn.
In UNSAT Lab, I belong to a four-member group focusing on phase change research. I assist Prof. Zhang in managing this group and work closely with the other three members: Ningning Zhao, Lijun Li, and Xin Lin, who are the most incredible, talented, and beautiful partners ever.